Wrack: Name unknown

Dies ist die Informationsseite über das Schiffswrack Name unknown, die folgende Wasserkarte zeigt das Wrack in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung. Die Position des Wracks ist 50 36.616 N,0 10.715 E (50.6523667, -0.6161833)


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Die Texte zu diesem Schiffswrack sind in englischer Sprache 🇬🇧, da sie vom Hydrographischen Amt des Vereinigten Königreichs (UKHO) auf der Grundlage von Daten u. a. der Hydrographischen Dienste von Deutschland, der Niederlande und Belgien erstellt wurden. Sie enthalten die bekannten Details des Wracks und die Kommentare der Kartographen, die die Position und den Zustand des Wracks im Laufe der Zeit überprüft haben.


Weitere Schiffswracks in der Nähe

1. 010
2. Afon dulais
3. Alan dean
4. Alaska
5. Alaunia
6. Algiers
7. Alison (possibly)
8. Angry fish
9. Aracataca
10. Ariel
11. Armenier
12. Arno (possibly)
13. Ashford
14. Atlas (probably)
15. Axwell
16. Barn hill
17. Basil-2
18. Bernicia
19. Bettann (bow section)
20. Blanefield
21. Branksome chine (possibly)
22. Braunton
23. Broadhurst (probably)
24. Cairndhu
25. Caleb sprague
26. Cambrian princess (probably)
27. Candia
28. Carbineer
29. Carrie dingle
30. Caterham
31. Celtic
32. Charles m
33. City of brisbane
34. City of mexico
35. Clan macmillan
36. Clara
37. Cuba
38. D144 (possibly).
39. Dagana
40. Del rio
41. Devon coast
42. Donegal (possibly)
43. Duke of buccleuch
44. Eduard (possibly)
45. Elford
46. Emerald (possibly)
47. F d lambert (possibly)
48. F/v joanna c
49. Fife coast (possibly)
50. Flag theofano
51. Fort yale
52. Fpt iv
53. Frode
54. Fulham vii (probably)
55. Gartland
56. Gascony
57. George sutton
58. Gerarda
59. Gerlen (possibly)
60. Germa geisha
61. Glenarm head (possibly)
62. Glenarm head (possibly)
63. Glenartney (possibly)
64. Glendinning (possibly)
65. Glenlee
66. Harold
67. Heathpool
68. Heathpool
69. Hedwig lunstedt
70. Highland corrie
71. Hms apley (possibly)
72. Hms ariadne
73. Hms avanturine
74. Hms balfour
75. Hms borneo
76. Hms evadne (possibly)
77. Hms gambri (possibly)
78. Hms hazardous
79. Hms implacable
80. Hms lancer ii
81. Hms minion
82. Hms moldavia
83. Hms northcoates
84. Hms ocean sunlight
85. Hms pine
86. Hms prince leopold
87. Hms resolution (possibly)
88. Hms sapper
89. Hms taipo
90. Hms vernon ii (possibly)
91. Hmsm a1
92. Holme force (possibly)
93. Huntsmoor
94. Ikeda (possibly)
95. Indiana
96. Inger (possibly)
97. Ingo
98. Jaffa
99. James groves
100. Joseph roberts (possibly)
101. Lalen mendi
102. Lass o'doune (probably)
103. Leven (possibly)
104. Lightfoot (possibly)
105. Lola (possibly)
106. London trader (possibly)
107. Lowmount
108. Lullington
109. Lulonga (possibly)
110. Ma monette
111. Maaslust
112. Marga
113. Marie marguerite (possibly)
114. Mill gate (probably)
115. Miown
116. Mira
117. Mohlenpris (possibly)
118. Molesey (possibly)
119. Montecrana (possibly)
120. Mount stuart
121. Mv adur valley?
122. Newent
123. Noordster
124. Northlands (possibly)
125. Ny-eeasteyr
126. Nyon
127. Oceana
128. Pagenturm
129. Patrice didier (probably)
130. Pentyrch
131. Petit forban
132. Polandia (possibly)
133. Porthkerry
134. Quail
135. Ramsgarth
136. Ramsholm (possibly)
137. Rfa hungerford (possibly)
138. Rytoner
139. Saint andre (probably)
140. Saint ronaig
141. Seaford
142. Seven seas (possibly)
143. Shirala
144. Sines (possibly)
145. Spearfish
146. St rogatien (possibly)
147. Stanhope
148. Stanwold
149. Stavros (possibly)
150. T r thompson
151. Teelin head
152. U 1195
153. U 212 (probably)
154. U 275 (probably)
155. U 40 (possibly)
156. U 671
157. U 86 (formerly)
158. U 86 (possibly)
159. Ub 130
160. Ub 81
161. Ub 86 (possibly)
162. Vasco
163. Venus
164. Vesuvio (possibly)
165. Vigda
166. War helmet
167. Zaanstroom



Name: Name unknown

Jahr der Registrierung: 1992

Wassertiefe über dem Wrack: 47 meter, Höhe über dem Meeresboden: 17 cm

Bekannt seit: 1992, zuletzt detektiert: 20150715

Detailmessungen/Kartographie: HH100/351/05 14.5.92 WK LOCATED IN 503624.5N, 001030E [OGB] USING DECCA. (C MARTIN, 13.4.92). CHART AS NDW PA. BR STD. SEP 2015/000083466 8.2.16 EXAM'D 15.07.15 IN 5036.616N, 0010.715E [WGD]. LEAST M/B DEPTH 42.78MTRS IN GEN DEPTH 47.28MTRS. NO SCOUR, LENGTH 50MTRS, HT 4.5MTRS, WIDTH 22MTRS. BROKEN UP WK, PARTIALLY BURIED, STRONG MAGNETIC ANOMALY. (GARDLINE GEOSURVEY, HI 1477). AMEND NDW 42MTRS IN REVISED POSN.
Quelle: UK Hydrographic Office

Position: 50 36.616 N,0 10.715 E


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