Wrack: Name unknown

Dies ist die Informationsseite über das Schiffswrack Name unknown, die folgende Wasserkarte zeigt das Wrack in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung. Die Position des Wracks ist 51 52.777 N,1 30.55 E (51.7619167, 1.5857333)


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Die Texte zu diesem Schiffswrack sind in englischer Sprache 🇬🇧, da sie vom Hydrographischen Amt des Vereinigten Königreichs (UKHO) auf der Grundlage von Daten u. a. der Hydrographischen Dienste von Deutschland, der Niederlande und Belgien erstellt wurden. Sie enthalten die bekannten Details des Wracks und die Kommentare der Kartographen, die die Position und den Zustand des Wracks im Laufe der Zeit überprüft haben.


Weitere Schiffswracks in der Nähe

1. Aduatiek (possibly)
2. Afrin (probably)
3. Agamemnon
4. Ambient (probably)
5. Atlanticos
6. Balgownie (probably)
7. Baltrader
8. Bonnington court
9. British fortune (probably)
10. Cairnside
11. Carica milica
12. Cedarwood (possibly)
13. Cerne
14. Churston
15. Clan monroe
16. Coalgas
17. Corcrest
18. Cormount (probably)
19. Coureur des mers
20. Cressdene (possibly)
21. Dagmar (probably)
22. Denise germaine (possibly)
23. Disa (possibly)
24. Dulwich
25. Dynamo
26. Empire bridge
27. Empire ghyll
28. Erna boldt (probably)
29. Estrella (possibly)
30. European gateway (part of)
31. F stobart (probably)
32. Faithful star
33. Fleurita
34. Flores (probably)
35. Fort massac
36. Forth
37. Franz fischer (possibly)
38. Friargate (possibly)
39. Friargate (possibly)
40. Gannet (possibly)
41. Gerhard
42. Ghc (possibly)
43. Golconda (possibly)
44. Grantleyhall (possibly)
45. Grisdeale
46. Groeswen (probably)
47. Hardingham (probably)
48. Harlington (probably)
49. Harlyn (probably)
50. Harriet
51. Hebe
52. Hibernia
53. Highwave (probably)
54. Hillglen
55. Hm mgb 76 (possibly)
56. Hm torpedo boat no.12
57. Hmml 127 (possibly)
58. Hmmtb 16 (possibly)
59. Hms adonis (possibly)
60. Hms arethusa
61. Hms coquette
62. Hms donna nook
63. Hms duchess of hamilton
64. Hms eros (possibly)
65. Hms forward iii
66. Hms franc tireur
67. Hms hastfen
68. Hms hirose (probably)
69. Hms japan
70. Hms john e lewis (possibly)
71. Hms kale (probably)(part of)
72. Hms leandros
73. Hms lord airedale
74. Hms ludlow
75. Hms marconi
76. Hms marsa
77. Hms moravia (possibly)
78. Hms nadine
79. Hms new comet (possibly)
80. Hms oriana
81. Hms reed (possibly)
82. Hms resono (possibly)
83. Hms rhiannon (possibly)
84. Hms sisapon
85. Hms sisters melville
86. Hms tervani
87. Hms tunisian
88. Hms velia (possibly)
89. Hms william wesney
90. Hmsm e6
91. Hmtb 10
92. Hnlms 227
93. Ignis (possibly)
94. Ingi
95. J c dalble
96. Janny
97. Jim
98. Josefina thorden (after part)
99. Kankakee
100. Khartoum (possibly)
101. Knarsdale
102. Koningen emma (part of)(probably)
103. Koningen emma (possibly)
104. Kwasind
105. Lady salisbury
106. Lincairn (possibly)
107. Lindfar
108. Lisette
109. Lonhelen (possibly)
110. Lowland
111. Mac 5 (possibly)
112. Mahseer
113. Main topman
114. Marie leonhardt (probably)
115. Mendibil mendi (possibly)
116. Mexico
117. Mi amigo
118. Michail ontchoukoff (possibly)
119. Moidart
120. Morar
121. Neptune (possibly)
122. Nereus
123. Nico
124. Nicolaos piangos
125. Niore
126. Norhauk
127. Norwich trader
128. Old charlton
129. Ostprussen (possibly)
130. Pallieter (possibly)
131. Paullette
132. Peik
133. Persistant whisper
134. Pescado
135. Peter hamre
136. Phryne
137. Polgarth
138. Port dalhousie (possibly)
139. Prince igor (probably)
140. Princess juliana
141. Profit
142. Protinus (possibly)
143. Quickstep
144. Ravenscraig (possibly)
145. Salerno (possibly)
146. Salerno (possibly)
147. Savona (probably)
148. Second chance (possibly)
149. Simon bolivar
150. Stad maastricht
151. Storm
152. Sunbeam
153. Sunk beacon (remains)
154. Sunk head tower
155. Sweep ii
156. Tay bar
157. Telegraaf xviii
158. Terukuni maru
159. The sultan
160. Thornaby (possibly)
161. Thyra
162. Torchbearer
163. Uc 11 (possibly)
164. Uc 72 (possibly)
165. Vancouver
166. Volscian (possibly)
167. Walsingham
168. Wearside
169. White ghost
170. Wychwood (possibly)
171. Yassou
172. Yewkyle (possibly)
173. Ypapanti



Name: Name unknown

Jahr der Registrierung: 1917

Wassertiefe über dem Wrack: 12 meter, Höhe über dem Meeresboden: 35 cm

Bekannt seit: 20161026

Detailmessungen/Kartographie: SEP 2016/000181430 13.3.17 EXAM'D 26.10.16; FEATURE FOUND IN 5152.777N, 0130.550E [WGD]. LEAST M/B DEPTH 11.27MTRS, GEN DEPTH 12MTRS. LENGTH 8.80MTRS, WIDTH 2.58MTRS, HT 1.10MTRS. VAGUE OUTLINE OF WK OBSERVED. (EGS, HI 1522, RRS TE8). INS DW 11.2MTRS.
Quelle: UK Hydrographic Office

Position: 51 52.777 N,1 30.55 E


Suche fortsetzen

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Wracks in der Nähe von Belgien
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Wracks vor Dänemark
Wracks vor Schweden
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